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Life Skills with Lads

Life Skills with Lads focuses on those life skills all people should know, but aren't always taught.

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Those essential life skills that everyone should know

Life Skills with Lads enables students to access necessary life skills that they may not have had the chance to approach. The goal is to encourage those who have not been able to learn those necessary skills to do so in a supportive environment alongside our team and experts.

From changing a tyre, learning a skincare routine, checking oil, planting a vege garden, tying a tie, and even managing their finances.

Our Lifeskills program allows us to grow, to learn, to make mistakes and most of all how to use our resources and skills to be the most successful versions of ourselves. He kai kei aku ringa. 

This program runs in workshop style sessions with accompanying online content throughout the year.

During 2022, our events team delivered seven different Life Skill events and online workshops. The life skills we covered included skincare, basic car maintenance, budgeting, debt management skills, and key mental health interpersonal skills.

These skills are often vital to everyday life, particularly when you move away from home, like many students in the University of Canterbury community.

Even though these skills are crucial, they are often not taught in an open and easily accessible setting, which is something we wanted to counteract. We run these events at no cost to the community, as we believe you should not have to pay to learn critical skills.


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