lads without labels

Lads Without Labels is a for students by students mental health and wellbeing charity operating in the Canterbury region.

Through a strong will to see change on campus and a gap for a club that supported student mental health, Lads Without Labels was born.

Our charity sets out to improve the state of mental health and wellbeing care for all students, particularly men's mental health - as males are often ill-equipped to take the first step in supporting their wellbeing.

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Our club was first launched in 2020, with student Sam Mclean as president.

“I wanted to start this club because I know how difficult mental health can be. I wanted to help create a community that brings people together and opens up more conversations about mental health.”  

The first UCSA club day we attended had a massive turn out with over 500 students signing up to support our kaupapa. From here the support and the community we aimed to create has just grown. Enabling us to run over 25 events and initiatives since 2020 including; Running 72, The Artist Collective, Cocktails for Change w/ guests Steve Hanson and Jazz Thornton, Flat Chats, Ugly Boys Running Club and many more.

yellow squiggleOur dedicated team
People smiling
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Men standing with award

Both a bridge and support network

Currently, Lads without Labels sits as an informal community service within the mental health service types with a team of 18 executive members.

We are aware of the importance of self-care and community care services available for everyone without discrimination. Lads sets out to be both a bridge and support network to ensure everyone has the opportunities to connect, grow and support their mental wellbeing.


Holding our student members at our centre

We pursue initiatives that create relaxed and supportive environments, encouraging uplifting conversations and yielding tangible change, where we hold our student members at our centre by catering to their lifestyles, unique struggles, and hobbies. 

Our unique approach to care is driven by our belief that changing the nature in which we address the problem holds the solution. In our endeavours, we recognise mental health is not a battle beaten alone. Uniting our hāpori strengthens our mission, as we embrace all those who share the passion for breaking the stigma.

yellow squiggleOur dedicated team
CORE Values

The following core values are upheld across all Lads Without Labels’ Events, Campaigns, and Programs:


Seek out an authentic approach, for students, by students, where operations empathise with the unique struggles the student body experience.


Upholding an approachable, inclusive and diverse wellbeing culture on campus, founded on two-way relationships between LWL and its community.


Strengthening relationships through shared experiences, celebrating a sense of belonging across all our doings.

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Keen to learn more?

We love connecting with our community. Whether you have a question, would like to support what we do or just want to know a bit more; feel free to flick us through a message and we’d be happy to chat!