Ethan Byloo

Ethan Byloo

1st Year Outreach Officer


Ethan Byloo

Hey, my name is Ethan Byloo, I'm the 1st Year Outreach Officer for Lads this year.

This is my first year with Lads Without Labels and I'm super keen to be a part of such an influential group of people this year. I am a second-year student studying a Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology and a Bachelor of Sports Coaching majoring in Sports Science as a double degree. Growing up all over the place, I was born in Auckland but spent my early childhood in Valencia, Spain. I then moved back to Auckland until 2020 when I moved to Hawke's Bay to finish off High School at Lindisfarne College. 

I am pretty crazy about sport and exercise - with rowing being my main sport rowing for the CURE Boating Club in Kaiapoi. When I'm not training I love to be in the kitchen or finding new recipes for me to try.

I wanted to join Lads as I saw the sheer impact that these guys are able to make which I think a lot of schools/universities aren't as lucky to have access to. For me to now be one of those people who makes an impact means so much as I feel that I can contribute positively to men’s mental health in my community, which is something I hold as very important.

yellow squiggle

Keen to learn more?

We love connecting with our community. Whether you have a question, would like to support what we do or just want to know a bit more; feel free to flick us through a message and we’d be happy to chat!