Jess Macfarquhar

Jess Macfarquhar



Jess Macfarquhar

Hi! My name is Jessica MacFarquhar.

I joined the Lads without Labels exec in 2022 to help create an environment where conversations about mental health are normalised and encouraged. This is particularly important to me, as throughout my time at uni I have become increasingly aware of the effect mental health has on my own day-to-day life, and have noticed that the hard conversations about mental health and suicide often do not happen - the stigma around these conversations is detrimental, and must be improved.

Being a part of this club has been pivotal for my university experience, and has provided me with an awesome group of people who I can have conversations with about how I am really doing. In my 3rd year on the Lads exec in 2024, I am looking forward to working in the team as Vice President, alongside undertaking a Masters of Mechanical Engineering with a research focus on Antarctica Ice Core Drilling.

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