Lucy Jessep

Lucy Jessep

Humans of UC Coordinator


Lucy Jessep

Kia ora e hoa mā,

Ka tū ahau i raro i ngā parirau o maunga Aōraki, ka pupuhi te hau o te tai Tāwhirimātea. Ka rere te wai o Waimakariri, ki te whenua o Ngāi Tahu iwi. Ko Kaiapoi tōku tūrangawaewae, Ko Ngāi Tūāhuriri te hapū, i raro i te tuanui o Tuahiwi ­­­­­­marae, I runga i te pāpā o te Waihora ahau i whānau,

Anei ko Lucy,

Nō reira, tēnā koe,

Over the last couple of years, I've had the privilege to be a part of our gorgeous team at Lads Without Labels. Mental wellbeing whilst always having a huge impact on my life has not always been something I've understood or felt comfortable dealing with. However I've since learnt the necessity of having the tools in your kete to have those conversations and the importance of having safe spaces to have them in, through my own experiences with things such as grief, anxiety, depression, difficult whānau relationships and accessing support.

Therefore it’s incredibly important to me to have a role in improving health communication, and access to healthcare and resources especially in ways that improve health outcomes for our Māori and Pasifika hāpori. This is why I joined the team at Lads and what has also prompted my study at UC towards a Masters of Psychology with a Kaupapa called LEAPS to improve diabetes tech access in our hāpori.

I'm incredibly excited about what we do here at Lads, the changes we are seeing in the community and the opportunities we all have to improve the health space in Aotearoa.

Mauri ora

yellow squiggle

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